Celebrating our students’ creative expression from the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years.
Please note that the views and opinions expressed within the content below are those of the students featured and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the Freire Schools network or our schools.
Freire Middle School
Students in Mr. Connor’s class were recognized as “Artists of the Week” in fall 2022 for their landscape paintings. Landscapes are pictures of the outdoors and exterior spaces. Students learned about the different figurative grounds and how to create an illusion of space using acrylic paint. They then learned how to mix a variety of colors and how to use those colors to create the most detailed landscape possible.

Freire High School
Working with Mr. Marcus, seniors created triptych self-portraits based on Sigmund Freud’s structural theory of the psyche: the ego, id, and superego. In their portraits and their written reflections, students explored themes of identity, resilience, and emotional well-being.

Freire High School students have also lined the hallways with decals celebrating the life and achievements of prominent Black figures who inspire them. This school-wide project took place during Black History Month in February 2022, and allowed students to draw connections between art and history/civics while learning how to design in Google Slides and Pixlr.

Freire Wilmington
In fall 2022, students in Mr. Nathan’s 10th Grade Social Studies class learned about Iran and the US involvement in the Revolution from 1979. They then learned about modern issues, including the Iran Nuclear Deal and the recent socio-political unrest due to sanctions and the death of Mahsa Amini. Students applied this knowledge to make political cartoons using toonytool.com and tweeted them with key hashtags to enter the global conversation around social justice.

TECH Freire
Students in Mr. James’s 11th grade English class in fall 2022 wrote courageous and detailed poems reflecting on their own lives. The pieces were inspired by the following prompt: “Write a poem that reflects how you feel about where you’re from using primarily figurative language.”
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